Normal biochemical parameters refer to the typical or standard values of various substances in the body that are measured through biochemical tests. These tests are commonly performed in clinical laboratories to assess the functioning of organs and systems, diagnose diseases, and monitor treatment effectiveness. Normal ranges can vary slightly between different laboratories, so it's essential to interpret results in the context of the specific reference values provided by the testing facility. Here are some common biochemical parameters and their normal ranges

Normal Biochemical Parameters

Normal biochemical parameters refer to the typical or standard values of various substances in the body that are measured through biochemical tests. These tests are commonly performed in clinical laboratories to assess the functioning of organs and systems, diagnose diseases, and monitor treatment effectiveness. Normal ranges can vary slightly between different laboratories, so it’s essential to interpret results in the context of the specific reference values provided by the testing facility. Here are some common biochemical parameters and their normal ranges:

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Lab ParametersAdult Normal Value
HematologyHemoglobin(Hb) Male13-18 gms%
Hemoglobin(Hb) Female 11.5-16.5 gms%
Packed cell volume Male/Female40-54%/ 37-47%
WBC4000-11000 cmm
Platelet Count1,50,000-4,50,000
Glucose ControlBlood GlucoseF= 70-100mg/dl
PP= < 140mg/dl
Glycosylated HB (HbA1C)Upto 7.0%
Renal ValuesBlood Urea15-40mg/dl
Uric Acid3-7.2mg/dl
PhosphorousChild 4.5-6.5 mg/dl
Adult 2.5-4.5mg/dl
Protein FactorsTotal Protein6-8g/dl
Serum Albumin3.5-5g/dl
Nitrogen BalanceGoal of 1-24g/24 hours Urinary Urea nitrogen
Serum Creatinine0.5-1.2mg/dl
C-reactive protein0 (Elevated in inflammation )
General Serum Values and EnzymesGGTP10-50 IU/L
Alkaline PhosphataseNew Born 8 years = 75-650
8-16 yrs = 75-500
Above 16 years = 75-75
Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)20-200 IU/L
Amylase<86 U/L
Lipase13-16 IU/L
Total Bilirubin0.5-1mg/dl
Direct 0.2-0.6mg/dl
Lipid Profile Total CholesterolDesirable < 20-199mg/dl
Borderline high 200-239mg/dl
High ≥ 240 mg/dl
HDL CholesterolMale > 45 mg/dl
Female > 55mg/dl
LDL CholesterolDesirable <130 mg/dl
Borderline High 130-159 mg/dl
High ≥ 160 mg/ dl
TriglyceridesDesirable 10-190mg/dl
Borderline High 200-400 mg/dl
High 400-1000 mg/dl
Very High > 1000mg/dl
Source- Apollo Hospital Group, Dept Of Dietetics The Best Of Basics In Clinical Dietitian’s Essential Pocket Book Fourth Edition -2016

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